My 4 Role Models and why we need them in our strive for elegance

We should always strive to be our best. That considers some thought. First, what would be best for me? When do I like myself? What and who makes me be a better version of myself? I like things moving and I don’t like reinventing any wheel so let’s go to the fast track.

Who do I like? Look up to? Get inspired by? Who makes me be my better version? & why? Do they have anything in common? Let’s use role models to help. Take bits and pieces from people that you like and make your own role model board. I’ have mine. I know why I prefer them to others. My role model mood board is a combo of people I know and know of. It’s a mix of friends, family members and famous people. I’ll list a few;

Lauren Hutton – Looks and personality. Iconic.

Lauren Hutton – American model and actress famous from the movie “American Gigolo” with Richard Gere and for getting the biggest modeling contract with Revlon at the time in 1973.

She teamed up with Dennis Hopper, Jeremy Irons and Laurence Fishburne in a motorbike group to celebrate “the art of motorcycle ” exhibit in Las Vegas 2000.

Hutton said to the Las Vegas Review-Journal: “I love the feeling of being a naked egg atop that throbbing steel. You feel vulnerable — but so alive.”

Jane Fonda

Jane Fonda, for her story, her way of talking about everything from her lifelong problem with looks and beauty and her still very much everyday elegance. And being wit.

My Grandmother – Agneta Wrangel

My grandmother, Agneta Wrangel for being cool to hang out with on parties and dinners when I was in my late teens since she always knew everyone. And for her absolutely lovely horse laughter. She was also wit.

Madonna. Always in line with her time. Timeless elegance.

Madonna, because she did everything that men usually did before. Being tough and not apologizing for her choices. Being the master and Commander.

My role models have a few things in common. They don’t care too much about what people think, they walk their own path and they love life.

And life is the largest gift so let’s make the most of it!