I´m old fashioned in many ways

Loving traditions is one of them.

Ever since I was a little girl, I've loved traditions, and Christmas is the biggest one. Due to the current situation, I'll use the tradition as a shield this year. A guard to stay safe and sane and avoid getting sad or even worse -lose hope.

So I'm going to start decorating earlier and enjoy every moment of it! That means I'll start this weekend, which is earlier than usual. The sheer joy of taking care of the small things close to us is what we can focus on.

Making it cozy at home has never been more relevant. So I'm buying some new pillowcases and scented candles, and I'm changing to Christmas look on the bed linen, and like every Swede, I'm having the Advent candlestick and star in the windows. Because baby, it's cold outside

Sinatra, Bing Crosby and Rod Stewart, Michael Bublé and classic Christmas carols by choirs. Then you'll find me sitting in my favorite armchair with our dog close, a big cup of tea, watching the movie" The Holiday", and just feel good…