Marianne Bernadotte exhibition in Style at Millesgården

Bolinder Stockholm is represented among the garments at display in Marianne Bernadotte exhibition A Style Icon at the museum Millesgården on Lidingö during spring of 2017.

Throughout the years Marianne Bernadotte (b. 1924), actor, philanthropist and the widow of the designer Sigvard Bernadotte, has appeared in apparel from some of the major French fashion houses, including Chanel, Balmain and Dior. Personal friends of the fashion designer Pierre Balmain, the Bernadottes’ wardrobe comprised a large number of garments from the house of Balmain. Based on several of Marianne Bernadotte’s fashion garments, primarily from the 1970s and 1980s, Millesgåden portray the couture of these French fashion houses. The exhibition will be displayed in Millesgården’s Artist Home on the Upper Terrace during the period of March 17 - June 11.

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