The five gentlemanly rules of everyday elegance

The first rule
is to be conscious of your Attire. Dressing appropriately and presentably impacts not just your self-confidence, but also shapes the way people perceive you.

The second rule
emphasizes the importance of good Etiquette. This includes being mindful of your mannerisms at the dinner table as well as your daily social interactions.

The third rule
is effective Communication. Language should be used as a tool to articulate your thoughts respectfully, steering clear of offensive language and consistently using courteous words like 'please' and 'thank you'.

The fourth rule
is practicing Civility, which involves respecting all individuals and treating everyone with dignity, irrespective of their status or position.

The final rule
is upholding your Integrity. It is essential to remain truthful to your moral principles and act ethically, even when no one is observing.

Perhaps the best definition of a modern gentleman comes from Haruki Murakami’s novel “Norwegian Wood.”

“A gentleman is someone who does not what he wants to do, but what he should do.”